Recovery Loan Scheme extension
Businesses are still recovering from the lockdown and the Covid-19 pandemic. New challenges are emerging with increasing costs coming from all sides. The government has made the decision to extend the vital support scheme that provided Government-backed loans to almost 19,000 UK SMEs since the scheme’s inception in 2021. We explain more below.
readStop. Start. Continue.
We're all busy. And being busy can mean that we're not always as focused as we'd like to be. It's very easy, especially as a business leader, to get caught up in the everyday realities of running the business, focusing on the needs of clients, customers and staff. But are you actually doing the right thing? Or are you missing the bigger picture? Is the business suffering precisely because you're so busy running around doing everything? You may need to ask yourself: what should I stop doing, what should I start doing and what should I just keep cracking on with!?
readGDPR: seven principles, seven rights
Let's face it, GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) seems difficult. There is no doubt that an act of law with 99 individual articles is a complex piece of legislation. But the GDPR rules were passed for a simple reason: to protect personal data. And that, fundamentally, is a very good thing. Whilst there are difficulties, if you hold on to just two things – the seven principles and the seven rights of GDPR which we outline below – you will find you have the beginnings of a good understanding of the basics of the legislation.
readSave some money, get a carbon audit
What are the biggest pressures on SMEs today... and how could a carbon audit help? Businesses need to focus on several things at once: delighting their customers; improving their product; growth opportunities -- and that's just for starters. But they also need to keep a very close eye on ever-rising costs.
readAre your tech problems really tech problems?
Are your tech problems really tech problems? RfM Transform’s Lead Digital consultant, Mark Thwaite, explains why the solution to your tech problems probably isn’t the obvious one.
readGDPR in 2022
Where are you and your business on GDPR? Covid disruption and countless other pressing and distressing matters has pushed GDPR off the agenda of many SMEs. But forgetting about GDPR doesn't mean it has gone away. GDPR is a reality that has to be addressed. There was an excellent article from the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) back in December which is worth referencing again and which I'd recommend all SMEs have a quick read of.