Business Coaching - Unlock your potential to be a great leader

Even If you and your staff consider you to be a good leader, working with a professional coach can give you the skills to become a great one – and bring positives that extend far beyond the workplace.

Open your mind to professional coaching

Working with a business coach is not an admission that you are getting it wrong; it shows a commitment to want to be the best leader you can be. Our qualified and experienced coaches have worked with clients with decades of business experience who have been surprised to discover that better leadership opens up a wider path to success. Working with a professional coach could be the best investment of your time and energy in 2021.

Don’t be a Chimp!*

If someone told you that you might benefit from some coaching, you might well infer that they were being critical. Indeed, you’d be forgiven for getting a little defensive. 

If their comment touches a nerve, your reaction is all the fault of your Chimp* brain. According to Professor Steve Peters’ respected ‘mind model’, the Chimp brain’s response to a suggestion that we are somehow lacking or in need of fixing, is to reject the concept as a threat to our status.

We all know what happens to the Alpha female or Alpha male if they show weakness: the troop lose confidence and back another candidate. It is the only logical response when the Chimp is in charge: COACHING = WEAKNESS = BROKEN = FAILURE. As such, you arrive at a powerful and convincing reason to firmly turn down the suggestion.

That’s not the only reason business owners and leaders dismiss the idea of coaching, of course. Many believe they are just too busy to spare the time they think will be needed.

Once you recognise that coaching is not a sign of failure but an opportunity to grow and improve, and that an investment of just two hours a month (for up to six months) can be life-changing, you will start to say ‘yes’ to the idea.

Leadership and life-changing results

We have seen first hand how, by taking care of themselves, business owners and managers can improve their performance, people skills and personal lives. All of these outcomes lead to a positive impact on the success of their business. 

Here’s what some clients say about their experience of working with their business coach.

“I’ve been working with my coach now for six months and she is radically changing the way that I live my life! She instinctively knows when to change gear from ‘empathetic mode’ to ‘action mode’.” Cara, Sales Director.

“My coach draws out the best in me to unlock my hidden insecurities and lifelong goals, and to stimulate awesome ideas. She never lets me escape with excuses but equally I am never discomforted by her approach.” Sarah, business owner and lawyer.

What all our coaching clients have in common is that that opened up to the idea that coaching is an enabler to a different way of working and a different way of being. They saw that coaching for success is not a weakness, it is an intelligent investment of your time and energy. And their businesses are all the better for it.

Start your personal transformation journey today

The new year is a time when we traditionally resolve to make changes. This could be the perfect opportunity to transform your business and leadership skills and achieve greater success in 2021.

To find out more about Coaching from RfM Transform, email Diane Johnson  or call 07720 353450.

*The Chimp Paradox by Professor Steve Peters.

Read the definition of the phrase 'Like a boss' here.

Working with a business coach shows a commitment to become the best leader you can be.

Working with a business coach shows a commitment to become the best leader you can be.

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