GDPR in 2022

Where are you and your business on GDPR? Covid disruption and countless other pressing and distressing matters has pushed GDPR off the agenda of many SMEs. But forgetting about GDPR doesn't mean it has gone away. GDPR is a reality that has to be addressed. There was an excellent article from the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) back in December which is worth referencing again and which I'd recommend all SMEs have a quick read of.

UK GDPR is a vital aspect of your business’ operation, so it’s something you should keep at the forefront of your mind each day... Understanding the impact of UK GDPR and the importance of being compliant might seem like a big task as a small business. However... being aware of the procedures you need in place when handling individuals’ data is important if you want to avoid any fines or reputational damage. You may not think that UK GDPR affects all businesses, but the truth is that most will more than likely handle some sort of personal data."

Read more.

Does your business handle personal data? Are you even clear on what it is?! Do you understand other specific GDPR terms such as "processing", "data subject", "controller", and "processor"?

To be honest, it's all rather confusing, and can be quite worrying.

So, if you want to speak to someone about personal data and your GDPR worries and obligations, then please email me.

In April 2022, GDPR hasn't gone away. But it really needn't be a problem.

Indeed, if you get it right, it can be a great opportunity to review your systems, processes and security.

Addressing GDPR looks like a pain, but it could actually be a real boon to your business!

Transform Digital Technology
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RfM’s digital transformation experts are only interested in one thing: helping your business to grow and prosper through the best use of digital technology. They will do this by giving you the answers to the questions you should be asking:

  • In which areas will technology make the biggest difference to my business?
  • Which technology products or services will be most suitable?
  • Where should I be focusing my technology budget?

Get in touch with Mark Thwaite, our Lead Digital consultant today.

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