Is your business ready? Navigating Net Zero and PPN 06/21

The UK Government's Procurement Policy Note 06/21 (PPN 06/21) marks a significant shift in public sector procurement, emphasising the need for businesses to commit to Net Zero by 2050 and adopt more sustainable practices. For SMEs, this is not just a regulatory requirement but an opportunity to redefine their business strategy, standing out in the market and driving innovation and growth.

We're excited to introduce our enhanced RfM Transform Audit, now including a Carbon Audit. This expanded service offers a holistic review of your business operations, aligning them with both financial health and environmental sustainability.

Our Enhanced RfM Transform Audit provides:

  1. Enhanced Efficiency through Streamlined Business Processes
  2. In-depth Analysis for Financial Health Insight
  3. Demonstrated Commitment to Environmental Responsibility
  4. Reliable Assurance in Performance and Sustainability

The Importance of PPN 06/21 for SMEs

PPN 06/21 is more than just a policy; it's a roadmap for integrating sustainable practices into the core of your business. Adhering to this policy not only ensures compliance but also positions your business as a forward-thinking, environmentally-conscious organisation.

What's in it for Your Business?

  1. Market Differentiation: Embracing sustainability can set your business apart, especially in ever-changing and competitive markets.
  2. Access to New Opportunities: Many public sector contracts (eg the NHS) now require compliance with environmental standards, opening new avenues for business growth.
  3. Long-term Cost Savings: Implementing sustainable practices can lead to significant operational cost reductions over time.
  4. Enhanced Reputation: Consumers and clients are increasingly favouring businesses that demonstrate a commitment to sustainability.

The journey to Net Zero and compliance with PPN 06/21 presents both a challenge and an opportunity for SMEs. With RfM Transform's enhanced Audit service you can ensure your business not only meets these new requirements but thrives.

Small businesses can Transform the world!

Discover the comprehensive benefits of our Enhanced RfM Transform Audit, tailored to empower your business. Contact us to see how this integrated audit will boost your business’s operational efficiency and align with your sustainability goals. Get in touch

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