Is your business ready to tackle carbon emissions?

As climate awareness grows, customers and stakeholders alike are increasingly paying attention to a company's environmental impact. The first step in lowering carbon emissions is measuring them—and that means breaking them down into three globally recognised categories, known as 'scopes'.

Our Carbon Action Programme

Measure your carbon emissions
Reduce your carbon footprint
Lessen your environmental impact

When you commission your carbon audit, we start by measuring and categorising your carbon missions into three globally recognised "scopes". 

These three scopes are known for ease as Burn, Buy and Beyond!

Scope 1: Burn - The Direct Impact

Scope 1 emissions account for your organisation's direct emissions. These emissions occur right at the source, like your company vehicles or machinery burning fuel.

Scope 2: Buy - The Energy You Purchase

When you pay your electricity bill, you're accountable for Scope 2 emissions. These are indirect emissions stemming from the energy you purchase to power your business operations such as electrical items and heating or cooling systems.

Scope 3: Beyond - The Extended Footprint

This is often the trickiest to measure but can be the most significant. It includes emissions from your supply chain, business travel, and even the commuting habits of your employees.

Why measure?

You might wonder why a small business needs to bother with all of this. Well, your suppliers, customers, and even potential investors increasingly look at your carbon footprint as a gauge for responsible business practices. Not to mention, many procurement opportunities now require evidence of sustainable operations.

Your First Step: A Carbon Audit from RfM Transform

Measuring starts with commissioning a Carbon Audit. This straightforward process categorises your emissions into these Scopes, giving you a clear view of your business's impact and offers recommendations on areas where you can improve.

Small businesses can Transform the world!

If you'd like help in measuring and reducing your carbon emissions, or to learn more about our Business+Booster essential services, then speak to Tony Backhouse or one of the team at RfM Transform

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