Looking back on a transformative year

Like the year that preceded it, and for the same big reason, 2021 has been tough for many businesses. As well as Covid, supply chain issues, Brexit, staffing and other headwinds have continued to make the trading environment extremely challenging.

Practicing what we preach

For all that, many small businesses have continued to trade and some have thrived. Here at RfM Transform, we’ve embraced our own change methodologies and, in doing so, have more than doubled the size of our team over the course of the last twelve months.

“We’ve always been about helping our clients grow and succeed. This year, we took a long look at our own business – and the results have been superb,” says Tony Backhouse. “Helping SMEs grow and thrive is in our DNA. Having a growing team means we can help more businesses face up to today’s difficult challenges, help them to get the right team and methodologies in place and succeed in reaching their goals.”

We’ve continued to grow our Transform HR offer, augmented Transform R&D bringing in a new R&D Senior Consultant Naveed Farid, created a new Transform Digital service headed by another new Senior Consultant Mark Thwaite and created a new, permanent junior role within the business with Ryan Jackson, our excellent Digital Support Apprentice.

“Many small businesses continue to find the digital landscape utterly baffling. It’s a privilege to be working with RfM Transform, helping small businesses navigate their way through this complexity and helping them on the road to digital and technical success,” says Mark Thwaite.

Further, this December, we have launched the RfM Transform Carbon Action Programme (CAP). Recognising that many small businesses want to respond to the general societal need to reduce carbon emissions but are confused about how to measure and benchmark their emissions, we created CAP.

“Our Carbon Action Programme is a quick and affordable no-nonsense service. We work with our businesses, help them to understand and then measure their emissions. And then we offer a clear, actionable routemap for how they can both reduce and offset their carbon footprint,” says Naveed Farid.

Even in the most challenging environments, we have proved that growth and success is possible. And we’re thankful to the many SMEs that we’ve worked with over the last twelve months for putting their trust in us to help them on their road to success.

Get in touch

If you want to work with the RfM Transform team, get in touch today and see how RfM Transform can help your business - contact Tony via email, phone on 07969900864 or via our contact page.

“We’ve always been about helping our clients grow and succeed. This year, we took a long look at our own business – and the results have been superb”

“We’ve always been about helping our clients grow and succeed. This year, we took a long look at our own business – and the results have been superb”

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