We’ve evolved - it’s time for a brand transformation

One consultant, one area of specialism. So began RfM Business Consulting just over 4 years ago. Fast forward to 2020, the company has grown and changed significantly. It’s also time for a fitting new name: RfM Transform. Managing Director, Tony Backhouse, explains why now is the right time to re-brand.

It’s fair to say we’ve come a long way in the four years since I set up the business. Back in 2016, as is true for many people starting up their own venture, I was the business and the core offer was based around my own professional experience and skillset.

I had worked in large organisations for 30 years of my career and, as an independent consultant, I wanted to make it possible for smaller companies to access the same calibre of strategic thinking that was available to big businesses – but at a price they could afford.

The more clients I worked with, the more I recognised that there were key areas where growing businesses invariably needed support. So, in response, the business introduced a broader range of services to complement and enhance my original ‘business growth strategy’ service: accessing funding from grants and securing tax incentives for R&D activity, to name a couple.

Practicing what we preach, we have developed our own growth strategy and in autumn 2019 we achieved one of our key objectives by launching our HR services division. Just under a year later, and despite the ongoing disruption of coronavirus, we were able to bring our Digital Technology transformation service to market. Over the next year, we want to ‘transform' how we work together for the full benefit of our clients.

The logical choice

Whilst developing our newest service we realised two things:

  • All our services were neatly aligned with one core message: We help smaller businesses to transform to achieve their growth aims.
  • ‘Business Consulting’ reflects who we were when we started out; it doesn’t work for the business in 2020.

It was time for a transformation of our own.

Fortunately for us, the new name came fairly easily. Instinctively, we knew that RfM Transform was the logical choice for a company that facilitates business transformation. Transform is not just a word in our company name though; it runs through the complete business offering, allowing us to communicate our service strands much more clearly:

Transform business growth

Transform digital technology

Transform HR

Transform innovation (encompassing grants, R&D tax credits, innovation strategy)

As a part of the RfM family, our strategic business services sit alongside the RfM accountancy services and are available to all businesses, not just accountancy clients.

You can see the RfM Transform brand in action across our new website: rfm-transform.co.uk. where you’ll also find information about our core services as well as news articles and informative blog posts from our consultants.

The business is definitely not just me anymore and, while business growth is still at the heart of what we do, our consultants are here to help you transform, grow and prosper, whatever stage you’re at on your business journey.

Let’s talk business transformation

Want to know more about how we can help transform your business? To arrange a consultation, please contact us online or call Tony Backhouse on 07969 900864.

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