Are you making the most of digital technology?

RfM’s digital transformation experts are only interested in one thing:
helping your business to grow and prosper through the best use of digital technology.

They will do this by giving you the answers to the questions you should be asking:
In which areas will technology make the biggest difference to my business?
Which technology products or services will be most suitable?
Where should I be focusing my technology budget?
Where should I be focusing my digital marketing efforts?

The future of business is digital

We can help you to identify ways your business can use digital technology to:

Get more customers – and the right type of customers

Grow your business – by automating processes and becoming more efficient

Run your business – including managing your sales, finances and people

Integrate your systems – ensuring all your technology connects and works well together

Avoid inefficiencies – by identifying and fixing weak links in your technology and / or getting the best out of your IT Managed Service Provider.

The route to digital transformation

We can tailor our service to meet the needs (and budgets) of smaller businesses from 1 up to 100 people and will work with you to:

  • Define the digital technology ‘baseline
    As always with our business consulting services, our first task will be to get to know your business and to understand your short and longer-term business aims. This helps to build a picture of how digitally-enabled your business is at present and the opportunities for improvement.
  • Identify the easy wins
    Your short-term digital technology transformation plan will outline ‘easy wins’. We want you to achieve measurable improvements quickly, easily and cost-effectively. You may be under-utilising the technology you have in-house – we’ll help you make the most of what you’re already paying for.
  • Develop and implement the longer-term plan
    Taking into account the longer-term ambitions for the business, we will provide a plan for how you can use technology to achieve these goals. These will be appropriate, achievable and affordable for the business.

Introducing Command-Central: Your Bespoke Work Management Solution

One of our newest offerings is Command-Central, a fully customised work management system designed to address the challenges of managing complex workflows across multiple teams and projects.

This tool centralises critical business processes, combining the visual ease of a Kanban board with robust CRM features to streamline your operations.

Whether you’re tracking leads, managing projects, or overseeing sales orders, Command-Central adapts to your business needs, driving efficiency and productivity. Get in touch to book a demo, today!

For more information or to arrange a consultation, please contact us online or call Tony Backhouse on 07969 900864.

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let’s talk business

Want to know more about how we could transform your business?

Send us a quick note and we’ll be in touch to arrange a convenient time and place to talk.

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